
Specifies the behaviors that are feasible responses for each stimulus.

The decision function computes the probabilities only for the feasible responses to a stimulus.

For example, in an experiment with the stimulus elements red_lever and blue_lever, the behavior press_blue_lever is a feasible respose to blue_lever but not to red_lever.

The feasible responses to a compound stimulus (a set of stimulus elements) consist of the union of the feasible responses for each element. For example, press_blue_lever is a feasible response to the compund red_lever,blue_lever.


response_requirements = b1:[e11, e12, ...],
                        b2:[e21, e22, ...],
                        bn:[en1, en2, ...]

If a list of stimulus elements contains a single element, the brackets may be omitted:

response_requirements = b1:e11,
                        bn:[en1, en2, ...]


response_requirements = b1:[e11, e12, ...],
                        b2:[e21, e22, ...],
                        bn:[en1, en2, ...]

specifies that

  • b1 is a feasible response to e11, e12, …

  • b2 is a feasible response to e21, e22, …

  • bn is a feasible response to en1, en2, …

The comma-separated list of behavior:[elements] may be line-broken:

response_requirements = b1:e11,
                        bn:[en1, en2, ...]

is the same as

response_requirements = b1:e11, b2:e21, ..., bn:[en1, en2, ...]


  • The properties stimulus_elements and behaviors must be specified before response_requirements.

  • Each stimulus element used in the specification of response_requirements must be present in the parameter stimulus_elements.

  • Each behavior used in the specification of response_requirements must be present in the parameter behaviors.

  • Applicable in all mechanisms except the Rescorla-Wagner mechanism.


stimulus_elements =     blue_lever, red_lever, food
behaviors =             ignore_lever, press_lever, eat
response_requirements = press_lever: [blue_lever,red_lever]
                        ignore_lever: [blue_lever,red_lever]

specifies that

  • the only feasible responses to blue_lever is press_lever and ignore_lever

  • the only feasible responses to red_lever is press_lever and ignore_lever, and

  • the only feasible response to food is eat.