
Specifies the genetic predisposition for responding with certain behaviors to certain stimulus elements. The parameter mu works in conjunction with beta to determine the weights for behaviors in the decision function.

The parameter mu can be set to certain values for certain particular element-behavior pairs. It can also be specified as a single value, in which case the same predisposition is used for all element-behavior pairs. Wildcards (*) may be used to set several values at once.


mu = e1->b1: v1, e1->b2: v2, ..., en->bn: vn, default: d
mu = v1
mu = *->*:v1  # Same as above
mu = e1->*:v1
mu = *->b1:v1

where v1,v2,...,vn and d are scalar expressions.


mu = e1->b1: v1, e1->b2: v2, ..., en->bn: vn, default: d sets the genetic predisposition value for

  • e1->b1 to v1,

  • e1->b2 to v2, …,

  • en->bn to v2,

and the value for all other element-behavior pairs to d.

  • The specification is independent of the list order:

    mu = e1->b1:v1, e1->b2:v2, default:d

    is the same as

    mu = e1->b2:v2, default:d, e1->b1:v1.

  • default need not be specified if all possible combinations element->behavior are present in the list. For example,

    stimulus_elements = e1, e2
    behaviors = b1, b2
    mu = e1->b1:v11, e1->b2:v12, e2->b1:v21, e2->b2:v22

mu = v1 sets the genetic predisposition value for all element-behavior pairs to v1.

  • mu = v1 is the same as mu = default: v1.


  • The properties stimulus_elements and behaviors must be specified before mu.

  • Each stimulus element used in the specification of mu must be present in the parameter stimulus_elements.

  • Each behavior used in the specification of mu must be present in the parameter behaviors.


@variables x = 1
mu = element1->behavior1: x, element1->behavior2: x+1, default:x+2

sets the genetic predisposition value for element1->behavior1 to 1 and for element1->behavior1 to 2, and for the remaining possible element-behavior pairs to 3.

mu = element1->behavior1: 0.5, default:0

sets the genetic prediposition value for element1->behavior1 to 0.5, and for the remaining possible element-behavior pairs to 3.

mu = 0.1

sets the genetic predisposition value for all element-behavior pairs to 0.1.