
Specifies the phases to use in plotting commands.


phases = all
phases = phase_label_1
phases = phase_label_1, phase_label_2, ...

where each phase_label_i is a @phase label.




phases = all

plots the value of the the variable in question at each stimulus and each response in the stimulus-response history.

phases = phase_label_1

(where phase_label_1 is a @phase label) plots the value of the variable in question only within the phase with label phase_label_1.

phases = phase_label_1, phase_label_2, ...

(where phase_label_1, phase_label_2, … are @phase labels) plots the value of the variable in question within the phase with label phase_label_1, followed by the phase with label phase_label_2, and so on, in that order. In other words, the order of the phase labels matters:

phases = phase_label_1, phase_label_2

is not the same as

phases = phase_label_2, phase_label_1


phases = all
@wplot e1

will plot the w-value of e1 within all phases.


phases = phase1
@wplot e1

will plot the w-value of e1 only within the phase with label phase1.


phases = phase2, phase1
@wplot e1

will plot the w-value of e1 within the phase with label phase2 followed by the phase with label phase1, in that order.