:orphan: subject ******* Specifies the subject to study in the postprocessing commands, such as plotting and exporting. Syntax ------ :: subject = index subject = all subject = average where index is a scalar expression evaluating to a positive integer (1-based index into the simulated subjects). Description ----------- ``subject = index`` uses only the subject with index ``index`` in the subsequent postprocessing commands. ---- ``subject = all`` uses all subjects in the subsequent postprocessing commands. In plotting commands, this will produce one line per subject. ---- ``subject = average`` will compute the average value of all subjects in the subsequent postprocessing commands. In plotting commands, this will produce one single line, representing the average of all subjects. Dependencies ------------ - When specified as an index, this index must be :math:`\ge 1` and :math:`\le n` where :math:`n` is the value of ``n_subjects``. Examples -------- :: n_subjects = 10 subject = all will make the plotting commands render 10 lines, one per subject. :: n_subjects = 10 subject = average will make the plotting commands render one line showing the average of all subjects. :: @variables p = 5 n_subjects = 10 subject = p + 1 will make the plotting commands render one line showing the values for subject number 6.