:orphan: start_v ******* Specifies the initial v-values (the associative strength between stimulus element - behavior pairs). The parameter ``start_v`` can be set to certain values for certain particular element-behavior pairs. It can also be specified as a single value, in which case the same initial value is used for all element-behavior pairs. Wildcards (*) may be used to set several values at once. Syntax ------ :: start_v = e1->b1: v1, e1->b2: v2, ..., en->bn: vn, default: d start_v = v1 start_v = *->*: v1 # Same as the above start_v = e1->*: v1 start_v = *->b1: v1 where ``v1,v2,...,vn`` and ``d`` are :ref:`scalar expressions`. Description ----------- ``start_v = e1->b1: v1, e1->b2: v2, ..., en->bn: vn, default: d`` sets the initial value for - v(e1->b1) to v1, - v(e1->b2) to v2, ..., - v(en->bn) to vn, and the initial value for all other v-values to d. - The specification is independent of the list order: ``start_v = e1->b1:v1, e1->b2:v2, default:d`` is the same as ``start_v = e1->b2:v2, default:d, e1->b1:v1``. - ``default`` need not be specified if all possible combinations ``element->behavior`` are present in the list. For example, :: stimulus_elements = e1, e2 behaviors = b1, b2 start_v = e1->b1:v11, e1->b2:v12, e2->b1:v21, e2->b2:v22 ---- ``start_v = v1`` sets the initial values for all v-values to v1. - ``start_v = v1`` is the same as ``start_v = default: v1``. Dependencies ------------ - The properties ``stimulus_elements`` and ``behaviors`` must be specified before ``start_v``. - Each stimulus element used in the specification of ``start_v`` must be present in the parameter ``stimulus_elements``. - Each behavior used in the specification of ``start_v`` must be present in the parameter ``behaviors``. - Applicable in all mechanisms except the Rescorla-Wagner mechanism. (Use ``start_vss`` in Rescorla-Wagner.) Examples -------- :: @variables x = 1 start_v = element1->behavior1: x, element1->behavior2: x+1, default:x+2 sets the initial value for v(element1->behavior1) to 1 and for v(element1->behavior1) to 2, and for the remaining possible element-behavior pairs to 3. :: start_v = element1->behavior1: 0.5, default:0 sets the initial value for v(element1->behavior1) to 0.5 and for v(element1->behavior1) to 2, and for the remaining possible element-behavior pairs to 3. :: start_v = 0.1 sets the initial value for all v-values to 0.1.